2025-1 Police Department Extra Duty Ordinance
2025-2 Shade Tree Commission Abolition
2025-3 Architectural Review Committee Abolition
2025-4 Environmental Commission Membership Ordinance
2025-5 Stop Sign Ordinance
2025-6 Amending Bond Ordinance (January 2025)
2025-7 exceed budget app and establish cap bank 2025
2025-1 Professional Appointments 2025-2 Appoint Environmental Commission Secretary, Dina Ryan
2025-3 Planning Board members
2025-4 Board of Adjustment members
2025-5 Board of Health
2025-6 Environmental Commission
2025-7 Recreation Committee 2025-8 Farmland and Open Space Committee
2025-9 Agricultural Advisory Committee
2025-10 Historic Preservation Committee
2025-11 LEPC
2025-12 Prevention Alliance Committee
2025-13 Municipal Depositories 2025-14 Temporary Budget
2025-15 establishing fees penalties interest rates
2025-16 prepayment of certain items
2025-17 cash management plan 2025-18 Community Development Rep KC
2025-19 PACO - KC
2025-20 Joint Insurance Fund Commissioner - KC
2025-21 Recycling Coordinator Jeanie Roseti
2025-22 Roberts Rules of Order 2025-23 Twp Newspapers
2025-25 Tax less than 5.00
2025-26 VENDOR'S SIGNATURE FOR PAYMENT RESOLUTION 2022 2025-27 Electronic Tax Sale 2025 2025-28 Annual Township Committee Meeting Dates 2025 2025-29 Appointing Custodian of Records Police Department
2025-30 Municipal Court Judge appointment 3 yr term
2025-31 EXEC SESSION Contract Negotiations and Potential Litigation
2025-32 Authorizing Mayor to execute the Affordable Housing Agreement with Countryside Developers
2025-33 Resgination Joni VanNest 2025-34 Hiring Ralph Rosamilia - PT Plumbing Inspector
2025-35 Hiring Jeffrey LoSacco - PT Plumbing Inspector
2025-36 Salary Increase - Matthew Young - Building Inspector
2025-37 Salary Increase - Paul Vitale - Construction Official
2025-38 Hiring Part-Time Receptionist PD - Cassie Halpin
2025-39 Resolution extending Sergeant eligibility list through 2026
2025-40 Historic Preservation Committee appointments (Jennifer Reinson, Michael Pahira and Mallory Reardon)
2025-41 EXEC SESSION Contract Negotiations and Potential Litigation
2025-42 Professional Appointment - Andrea Wyatt
2025-43 Colts Neck - Affordable Housing Accepting DCA Numbers
2025-44 Affirmative Marketing Plan
2025-45 Appointment of Affordable Housing Administrative Agent - Tim Anfuso
2025-46 Appointment of Municipal Housing Liaison - Tim
2025-47 Authorizing release of a special cash performance guarantee Block 33, Lot 20.01 PB629
2025-48 1033 Leso Program
2025-49 Twelve month extension - Farming of Twp property for Agricultural use
2025-50 Third year extension of contract - leaf collection services - Bennett Property and Design Works
2025-51 Resolution Awarding Contract to Jobs4Blue
2025-52 Mosquito Control
2025-53 Budget Transfer
2025-54 Self Exam Municpal Budget
2025-55 Environmental Commission - Dina Ryan
2025-57 Grant application - Five Point Park Inclusive Playground
2025-58 Farmland and Open Space Committee - Dennis Kendall
2025-59 Endorsing the Third Round Housing Element and Fair Share Plan
2025-60 GB Spending Plan Resolution
2025-61 Operating Manual Rental Resolution - Submission of plans to Superior Court
2025-62 Operating Manual Sale Resolution - Submission of plans to Superior Court
2025-63 Resolution of Intent to Bond
2025-64 Appointing Hearing Officer - Steven Secare
2025-65 EOE Cert Affidavit
2025-66 EXEC SESSION Potential Litigation
2025-67 LOSAP First Aid Squad 2025-68 Extending 2025 Budget Deadlines
2025-70 Appoint Recreation Committee Chair - Chris Montalvo 2025-71 EXEC SESSION personnel and potential litigation
2025-72 Award contract FY 2024 Municipal Aid Program - Improvements to Heyers Mill from Conover to Heritage
2025-73 Authorizing purchase of a copier/printer for Administrative/Clerk's office, Shore Business Solutions
2025-75 Authorizing settlement agreement with NJDEP
2025-76 Prevention Alliance Grant 2025-77 Resignation Janine Patti 2025-78 LOSAP Fire Department
2024-1 Peace and Good Order
2024-2 Title 39 - Express Auto Spa, Block 48 Lot 6
2024-3 Easement vacation and swap for Block 22, Lot 18 -Colts Neck Manor
2024-4 Salary Ord Amendment
2024-5 Stormwater 2023 with BNs updates
2024-6 Brush, weeds and plant life
2024-7 Easement vacation and swap - 3 Preakness Way
2024-8 - Privately-owned salt storage
2024-9 - Commercial Vehicles
2024-11 - Bond ordinance $220,000
2024-12 exceed budget app and establish cap bank 2024
2024-13 Salary Ordinance - wage ranges
2024-14 Outdoor Burning
2024-15 Campers, Trailers and Boats
2024-16 Bond Ordinance
2024-17 Salary Ord Amendment
2024-18 LOSAP Amendment Ordinance
2024-19 Salary Ord Amendment - Adopted
2024-20 Ord Amending Chapter 94 of Colts Neck Code re Certificates of Continuing Occupancy - Adopted
2024-21 Ord Amending Chapter 177 of Colts Neck Code re Big Brook Preserve
2024-23 Salary Ord Amendment
2024-24 Roadway Construction and Maintenance Ordinance
2024-25 Refunding bond ordinance authorizing the issuance not to exceed $2,200,000 general obligation refunding bonds by Colts Neck Township to the Monmouth County Improvement Authority
2024-26 Towing amendment
2024-27 Prevention Alliance Ordinance Update
2024-28 Salary Ord Amendment
2024-1 Professional Appointments
2024-2 Planning Board members
2024-3 Board of Adjustment members
2024-4 Board of Health
2024-5 Shade Tree Commission
2024-6 Environmental Commission
2024-7 Recreation Committee
2024-8 Farmland and Open Space Committee
2024-9 Architectural Review
2024-10 Historic Preservation Committee
2024-11 LEPC
2024-13 municipal depositories
2024-14 temp 2024 budget
2024-15 establishing fees penalties interest rates
2024-16 prepayment of certain items
2024-17 cash management plan
2024-18 Community Development Rep KC
2024-19 PACO - KC
2024-20 Joint Insurance Fund Commissioner - KC
2024-21 Recycling Coordinator Jeanie Roseti
2024-22 Roberts Rules of Order
2024-23 Twp Newspapers
2024-25 Tax less than $5.00
2024-27 Electronic Tax Sale 2024
2024-28 2024 Annual Township Committee Meeting Dates
2024-29 Appointing Custodian of Records Police Department
2024-30 Appointing Fire Official - Philip Engel
2024-31 EXEC SESSION personnel
2024-32 Authorize purchase of two vehicle installation packages - PD
2024-33 Professional Appointment - John Cantalupo
2024-34 Recreation Committee appointment - John Cantalupo
2024-35 Appointing Mike Shead DPW Foreman
2024-36 SSA Marlboro Twp Swim Club
2024-37 SSA Marlboro Twp - Colts Neck firing range and decontamination services
2024-38 Performance Guarantee reduction Kling - Clover Hill Road PB740
2024-39 1033 Leso Program
Resolution 2024-40 Amend WQM - Charleston Meadows
2024-41 Hiring Dave Paulson Temporary Laborer
2024-42 Hiring Sean Flood Temporary Laborer
2024-43 Hiring Nadim Martinez Lavariega Temporary Laborer
2024-44 Hiring Matthew Young Part Time Fire Inspector
2024-45 Budget Transfer
2024-46 Route 34 and Route 537 Intersection Improvements
2024-47 Support of RevolutionNJ and MonmouthNJ 250 - 250th Birthday USA
2024-48 Monmouth County Mosquito Control
2024-49Temporary Capital Budget Adoption 2024
2024-50 EOE Cert Affidavit
2024-51 Authorizing mayor to sign the deed of temporary grading easement - Five Points Park
2024-52 Award contract Lawn and Field Maintenance - On-Site Landscaping
2024-53 Self examination municipal budget
2024-54 EXEC SESSION personnel
2024-55 Certifying LOSAP First Aid Squad
2024-56 Certifying LOSAP Fire Department
2024-57 Temporary budget amendment 2024
2024-58 Reject bids Disposal of Leaves
2024-59 Reject bids Five Points Park Recreation Building
2024-60 Authorizing release of letters of credit, perf guarantee, inspection fee and escrow for Block 7.30 Lot 3.16 - PB618
2024-61 Authorizing release of perf guarantee, inspection fee, and escrow for Block 22 Lot 18 - PB617 Manor Homes
2024-62 2024 Municipal Budget introduced 03.27.24
2024-63 Support of Route 34 Bridge over Big Brook project - NJDOT
2024-64 Confirming hiring Thomas Carpenter Part Time Convenience Center Attendant - DPW
2024-65 EXEC SESSION personnel
2024-66 Exec Session - Contract negotiations Cell Tower
2024-68 award contract disposal of leaves - Mazza Mulch
2024-71 EXEC SESSION personnel
2024-72 2024 Budget adoption
2024-73 - Non Union Salaries
2024-74 Authorizing and approving execution of an employment agreement - Paul Santucci
2024-75 Approving an agreement between Colts Neck Township and Chief Paul Santucci regarding withdrawal of compensatory time from Chief Santucci's compensatory time bank
2024-76 Authorizing acceptance of a performance guarantee and inspection fee for a street opening permit Block 16, Lot 53.28, 6 Old Stable Way, ZB2022
2024-77 online auction Gov Deals
2024-78 Resignation Matthew Tamaro
2024-80 Authorizing purchase of vehicle installation package - Colts Neck Fire Department
2024-81 Chap159 Stormwater Assistance Grant 24
2024-82 Authorizing execution of NJDEP Treatment Works approval - Charleston Meadows
2024-83 Authorizing award of contract Various Drainage Inlet Reconstruction, Earle Asphalt
2024-84 SSA Open Public Records Search System, RIM
2024-85 Reject bids Cleaning and Janitorial Services
2024-86 Reject bids snow removal services
2024-87 RESOLUTION ROLLBACK TAXES 2024 - Caneiro
2024-89 Hiring John Price - DPW
2024-90 Hiring Social Media_Marketing Intern
2024-91 Promotion Appointing Colts Neck PD Chief of Police - Daniel DeVito
2024-92 Authorizing employment agreement - Daniel DeVito
2024-93 Employment Agreement Kathleen Capristo 2024-2026
2024-94 Award contract for Janitorial and Cleaning Services - Bailey's 2024-2026
2024-95 Reject bids HVAC Town Hall Annex
2024-96 Fireworks approval - Trump National - Garden State Fireworks
2024-97 Fourth of July Fireworks - Bucks Mill Park - CNBA
2024-98 Authorizing acceptance of a performance guarantee and an inspection fee for a street opening permit - 15 Jockey Terrace North
2024-99 Security Monitors Summer Camp
2024-100 Authorizing extension of contract Real Property Data Collection and Verification Services
2024-101 Authorizing permit fee refund, Big Brook Preserve - Alexander Elementary
2024-102 chap 159 clean communities 2024
2024-103 Authorizing acceptance of a performance guarantee, etc. for Colts Neck Manor PB743
2024-104 SSA Western Monmouth Active Shooter Training Group
2024-105 - Non Union Salaries - 6.26.24
2024-106 Hiring Summer Camp Supervisory Staff
2024-107 Reject bids snow removal services
2024-108 SSA West Long Branch - Tax Collector Services
2024-109 Authorizing purchase of 2024 Ford F150 - DPW
2024-110 Authorizing purchase of Motorola portable radios - Police
2024-111 SSA Colts Neck Board of Ed SLEO III
2024-112 SSA Freehold Regional Board of Ed SLEO III
2024-113 ABC liquor license renewal
2024-115 Grant application NJDOT Montrose Road 00378
2024-116 Annual Audit-Group Affidavit
2024-117 Award contract - Colts Neck - DPW Cell Tower 2
2024-118 Non Union Salaries - 7.10.24
2024-119 Authorizing refunds for Big Brook Preserve permits
2024-121 - Confirming promotion and appointment of Detective Sergeant Morgan Savage to the position of Lieutenant
2024-122 Authorizing and approving execution of an employment agreement, Morgan Savage
2024-123 Non Union Salaries - 8.14.24
2024-124 Authorizing the purchase of Motorola Portable Radios for the Colts Neck Fire Dept, N.J. State Contract# 83909, $34,860.05
2024-125 Authorizing award of contract for Private Snow Removal
2024-126 Authorizing emergency repair of $8,640.00 for road repair on Glenwood Road
2024-127 Authorizing award of contract FY2024 Capital Road Improvement Program Phase I
2024-128 OMNIA Coop AC and Heat Installation
2024-129 Authorizing acceptance of a performance guarantee for a street opening permit, Block 12, Lot 29 - 5 Lexington Court
2024-130 Additional municipal depository - Bethpage Federal Credit Union
2024-131 Chap159 Recycling Tonnage Grant 24
2024-132 Fireworks approval - Trump National - Garden State Fireworks
2024-133 Accepting the resignation of township employee, Scott Pevonis
2024-134 Resignation Sharon O'Conner
2024-135 Replacement Library Roof
2024-136 Resolution Authorizing Esposito Construction Donation
2024-137 Confirming hiring Colts Neck Township SLEO II, Robert Santoro
2024-138 Authorizing Change Order No. 1 to the contract awarded to S. Brothers - FY2023 NJDOT Municipal Aid Program - Cedar Drive from Bucks Mill to Dutch Lane
2024-139 Appointing Tom Fischer Facility Maintenance Worker
2024-140 Authorizing the purchase of a truck lift for the Department of Public Works
2024-141 award contract FY2024 Capital Road Improvement Program Phase II
2024-143 online auction Gov Deals
2024-144 Authorizing the acceptance of the donation from the Colts Neck Sports Foundation for the donation of storage sheds and bleachers
2024-145 Authorizing summer camp trip refund, Jennifer Stattel
2024-146 Accepting the resignation of township employee, Shawna Garcia
2024-148 Authorizing change order No. 2 to the contract awarded to S. Brothers for the FY2023 NJDOT Municipal Aid Program, Cedar Drive from Bucks Mill to Dutch Lane
2024-149 Installation of Pavers Town Hall Complex - On Site Landscape
2024-150 - Confirming hiring Mechanic for DPW - John Connell
2024-151 - Authhorizing the purchase of a 2025 Chevy Tahoe for the PD, ESCNJ Contract #23/24-11, $52,891.15
2024-152 Authorizing the purchase of a vehicle installation package for a 2025 Chevy Tahoe for the PD, N.J. State Contract #17-FLEET-00749, $26,993.66
2024-153 Authorizing the release of two surety performance guarantees, two cash performance guarantees, inspection fees and accrued interest for Block 44, Lots 11 & 12 - PB556, Eyres
2024-154 Authorizing the execution of a shared services agreement for the provision of a communicable disease control program with Jersey Shore Regional Health Commission
2024-155 Promotion Appointing Colts Neck PD Sergeant - Whitney Molinelli
2024-156 Extending the Sergeants promotioonal eligibility list through the 2026 calendar year
2024-157 Confirming hiring SLEO III, Brian Murphy
2024-158 Confirming hiring Probationary Police Officer, Patrick T. Gahagan
2024-159 Approving an agreement with Lt. Brian Caswell regarding the withdrawal of compensatory time
2024-160 Confirming hiring laborer for DPW, Trevor Cutter, Jr.
2024-161 Hiring Christina Salinas - Violations Clerk - Court
2024-162 Hiring Jackeline Lara Cruz - Violations Clerk - Court
2024-163 Authorizing summer camp program fee refunds
2024-164 Authorizing release of a performance guarantee for a street opening permit for Block 40.05, Lot 8, 15 Jockey Terrace
2024-165 Halloween curfew hours
2024-167 Establishing fees for Township Police Special Assignments
2024-168 Police Special Assignment Rates - Stone Hill Trust
2024-169 Police Firearms Range Improvements
2024-170 Authorizing acceptance of a performance guarantee for a street opening permit, Block 5, Lot 1.06, 11 Eaglenest Road
2024-171 Resolution supporting the submission of the Colts Neck Township Farmland Preservation Program 2026 Planning Incentive Grant Program
2024-172 Authorizing execution of NJDEP Treatment Works Approval statement for Orchard Shopping Center
2024-173 SSA Marlboro Township for Police Firing Range and Decontamination of vehicles
2024-174 MCIA refunding bond
2024-175 Fireworks approval - Trump National - Here Comes the Boom Pyrotechnics
2024-176 Resignation Matthew Young
2024-177 EXEC SESSION professional service contracts
2024-178 Accepting the resignation of township employee, Clint Forgach
2024-179 Confirming appointment of Probationary Police Officer, Robert Santoro
2024-180 Salary Increase - Antonio Cardoso
2024-181 Salary Increase - Phil Engel
2024-182 Confirming hiring Colts Neck Township Laborer for the Department of Public Works, Matthew Amoresano
2024-183 SSA Holmdel Transfer Station - Authorizing execution of amendment No. 2
2024-184 Misc Charges Cancelled 24
2024-185 Budget Transfer
2023-1 Bond Ordinance Amending and Supplementing Bond Ordinance 2022-04
2023-2 Miscellaneous Fee Ordinance Amendment - Additional Recycling Cart Fee
2023-3 Conditional Use
2023-4 exceed bud app and establish cap bank 2023
2023-5 Salary Ord Amendment
2023-6 Recreation areas Chapter 177
2023-8 Various 2023 Capital Improvements
2023-9 Various Capital Improvements
2023-10 Reappropriating excess proceeds from various ordinances
2023-11 Salary Ordinance
2023-13 Ordinance authorizing License of Property with Earle
2023-14 Business Hours
2023-15 Amendment to Parking Ordinance_ Gaitway and Hillsdale
2023-16 Monmouth Cty Improvement Authority Capital Equipment Lease Program
2023-17 Colts Neck Township Altice Cable Franchise Ordinance (Cablevision)
2023-18 Authorizing Mayor to sign deed of vacation of sight triangle easement, Block 48, Lot 6 - 297 Route 34
2023-19 Salary Ord Amendment
2023-1 Professional Appointments
2023-2 Planning Board members
2023-3 Board of Adjustment members
2023-4 Board of Health
2023-5 Shade Tree Commission
2023-6 Environmental Commission
2023-7 Recreation Committee
2023-8 Farmland and Open Space Committee 2023-9 Architectural Review
2023-10 Historic Preservation Committee
2023-11 LEPC
2023-13 municipal depositories
2023-14 temp 2023 budget
2023-15 establishing fees penalties interest rates
2023-16 prepayment of certain items
2023-17 cash management plan
2023-18 Community Development Rep KC 2023-19 PACO - KC
2023-20 Joint Insurance Fund Commissioner
2023-21 Recycling Coordinator Jeanie Roseti 2023-22 Roberts Rules of Order
2023-23 Twp Newspapers
2023-25 Tax less than 5.00
2023-27 Electronic Tax Sale 2023
2023-28 2023 Annual Township Committee Meeting Dates
2023-29 Appointing Registrar - Linda Stagliano
2023-30 Hiring Parker McCall Seasonal DPW employee
Resolution 2023-31 Authorizing execution of A-1 Consent form for NJDEP Treatment Works Permit application - Adelaid Hanna
Resolution 2023-32 Authorizing two change orders, #46 and #47 Hall Building Corp
2023-33 Purchase 4RE Interview Rooms with streaming - Colts Neck PD
2023-34 SSA Marlboro Twp Swim Club
2023-35 1033 Leso Program
2023-36 Appoint Secretary ARC and STC - Dina Ryan
2023-37 Architectural Review - Teresa Danile
2023-38 authorizing 3rd yr option lawn and field maintenance - On-Site Landscaping
2023-39 Budget Transfer
Resolution 2023-40 Change Order FY2022 Capital Rd Improvement Program Phase II, Clover Hill Rd
2023-41 Recreation Committee Chair - John Cantalupo
2023-42 Hiring Zachary Browne Part Time DPW employee
Resolution 2023-45 LOSAP Colts Neck Fire Department
Resolution 2023-46 LOSAP Colts Neck First Aid Squad
2023-47 Green Acres Colts Neck Enabling Resolution for Supplemental Funding Request_2023
Resolution 2023-49 SSA Monmouth County Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)
Resolution 2023-50 Hiring Seasonal DPW Employee Timothy Mayer
Resolution 2023-51 Authorizing release of Special Performance Guarantee, Mazza, 7 Pilgrim Way, Block 9, Lot 46
Resolution 2023-52 Authorizing acceptance of Inspection fee, ZB1046, Source Brewery, 300 Route 34, Block 46, Lot 17.13
2023-53 Monmouth County Mosquito Control
2023-54 Resolution Accepting Donation from Sports Foundation - Baseball Fields Laird Rd Park
2023-55 Authorizing Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute Right of Entry Agreement - Laird Road Park baseball fields project, Colts Neck Sports Foundation
2023-56 authorizing 3rd yr option disposal of leaves - Mazza Mulch
2023-57 Resolution Accepting Donation 1500 Pickup for the Colts Neck Police Dept
2023-59 Hiring Kenneth Pieslak - Code Enforcement Manager
2023-60 Amendment No. 1 SSA Holmdel Transfer Station
2023-61 Hiring Parker McCall fulltime - DPW
2023-62 Accepting Resignation Rich Galinski
2023-63 Executive Session
2023-64 2023 Budget intro
2023-65 Authorizing Fireworks 39 Willowbrook Road
2023-66 Authorizing release of Performance Guarantee and unexpended funds, St. Mary's Church PB718
2023-67 Authorizing release of escrow funds, EAS Colts Neck, LLC ZB1093
2023-68 Authorizing acceptance of inspection fee, 28 Manor Road, ZB1069 DelQuaglio
2023-69 Fourth of July Fireworks - Bucks Mill Park
2023-70 Authorizing execution of employment agreement Parker McCall
2023-73 2023 Budget adoption
2023-74 Non Union Salaries - 4.26.23
2023-75 authorizing 3rd yr option snow removal services - Slope Brook Farm
2023-76 Professional Appointment Eric Wagner (Town Hall Cupola)
2023-77 Authorizing execution of NJDEP Treatment Works permit application - Charleston Meadows (Countryside Developers) PB753
Resolution 2023-78 Authorizing release of unexpended escrow funds St. Mary's Church PB590
2023-79 Authorizing release of unexpended inspection and escrow fees, St. Mary's Church, PB696
2023-80 online auction Gov Deal
2023-81 Accepting resignation Matthew McGrady
2023-82 Hiring Kelly Kastritsios - Planning Board_Board of Adjustment Secretary
2023-83 Hiring Shawna Garcia - Violations Clerk - Court
2023-84 Non Union Salaries
2023-85 Authorizing purchase of Motorola Portable Radios Colts Neck Police Dept.
2023-86 Authorizing execution of FY2024-FY2026 revised amendment agreement with Monmouth County for Cooperative Participation in the CDBG Program
2023-87 Authorizing purchase of two Chevrolet Tahoe Pursuit 4WD vehicles - Colts Neck Police
2023-88 purchase 2022 Ford F250 Extended Cab - DPW
2023-89 Chapter 159 Special Item of Revenue - COVID-19 Vaccination 2023
2023-90 Authorizing award of contract - reconstruction of Laird Road Tennis Courts
2023-91 Resolution Authorizing Fence Encroachment of Block 7.02 Lot 35.01 - 2 Duchess Ct
2023-93 emergency appropriation - Inlet Matthews and Mercer Roads
2023-94 Authorizing conveyance of the right to perform pre-existing agricultural activities - Block 50, Lot 4.01 Patricia King Bailey, Inc.
2023-95 Hiring Antonio Cardoso - Code Enforcement Manager
2023-96 Reso granting consent to transfer Veolia from Suez
2023-97 Authorizing execution of an agreement with Meghan Bennett of Dilworth Paxson, LLP as Township Attorney and Alternate Bond Counsel
2023-98 Click it or Ticket support resolution
2023-99 Confirming appointment of Township Professional pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5 - Eric Wagner, Five Points Park Recreation Building
2023-100 Declaring Robert Devino & Chester Jackiewicz in default and authorizing withdrawal of the irrevocable line of credit for White Cedar Estates, PB528
2023-101 SSA Western Monmouth Active Shooter Training
2023-102 Authorizing award of contract Drainage Inlet Reconstruction 2023
2023-103 Authorizing award of contract FY2023 Capital Road Improvements
2023-104 Resolution Accepting Donation Storage Facility Five Points Park
2023-105 Right of Entry Agreement Five Points Park Storage Facility
2023-106 SSA Security Monitors - Summer Camp
2023-107 chapter 159 clean communities 2023
2023-108 Consenting to the proposed Monmouth County Water Quality Management Plan amendment - Colts Neck Manor
2023-109 ABC liquor license renewal
2023-110 Reject bids furnishing and delivering of leaf collection services
2023-111 Hiring Joni VanNest - Planning Board_Board of Adjustment Secretary
2023-112 Open Space Referendum
2023-113 SSA Colts Neck Schools SLEO III
2023-114 SSA Freehold Regional School SLEO III
2023-115 chapter 159 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Grant
2023-116 Authorizing six change orders to the contract for Hall Building Corp - New Municipal Building
2023-117 Grant application NJDOT Heyers Mill Road 00353
2023-118 Historic Preservation Committee - Jeanette Moriarty
2023-119 ABC liquor license renewal - 323 Colts Neck LLC - Via Sposito
2023-120 Maida Property
2023-122 Corrective Action Plan - 2022 Annual Audit
2023-124 Hiring Ryan Amato DPW
2023-125 Authorizing purchase of 2023 Silverado 1500 - Colts Neck PD
2023-126 Authorizing purchase of two vehicle installation packages - Colts Neck PD
2023-127 Authorizing acceptance of performance guarantee/inspection fee Block 21.09, Lot 13 - 900 Lovett Road
2023-128 Summer Camp trip refund
2023-129 Open Space Referendum
2023-130 Resignation Thom Hennessy
2023-131 SSA Commodity Resale Agreement
2023-132 Reject bids furnishing and delivering of leaf collection services
2023-133 Confirming professional appointment - Kevin Dwyer
2023-134 Approving agreement with Chief Santucci - Compensatory Time Bank
2023-135 Employment Agreement, Paul Santucci
2023-136 Authorizing release of performance guarantee - 900 Lovett Road
2023-137 Authorizing acceptance of performance guarantee and inspection free - 16 Sycamore Place
2023-138 Award bid for use of township property for agricultural purposes
2023-139 Monmouth County Improvement Authority Capital Equipment Program
2023-140 Bid Rejection Resolution - Leaf Pick-up
2023-141 Multiple refunds Recreation Summer Camp programs
2023-145 Deed of vacation of declaration of covenants and restrictions Block 48 Lot 6 - 297 Route 34
2023-146 award contract FY2023 NJDOT Municipal Aid Road Program Phase II - Cedar Drive
2023-147 Award Contract Leaf Collection Services
2023-148 Accepting performance guarantee and inspection for a street opening permit - 26 Raven Road
2023-149 Appointing Planning Board member - Tom Sullivan
2023-150 Civil Rights
2023-151 Appointing Planning Board members - Taeschler, Visci, Sullivan
2023-152 Veteran Allowance - Bailey and Larsen
2023-153 Release performance guarantee for street opening permit, Block 7.22, Lot 3 - 16 Sycamore Place
2023-154 Exec Session - Contract negotiations
2023-155 Hiring Matthew Tamaro - DPW
2023-156 Personnel Policies & Procedures, Employee handbook and Volunteer handbook
2023-157 Appointing Farmland and Open Space Committee members - Fabozzi and Britton
2023-158 Authorizing refund for art show
2023-159 TAX APPEAL REFUND BL 31 LOT 25.01
2023-160 Recreation Facilities and Programs Fees 2023
2023-161 Halloween curfew
2023-162 Change Order to the contract awarded to Black Rock Enterprises - FY 2023 Capital Road Improvement
2023-163 Change Order to the contract awarded to Shore Top Construction for the reconstruction of Laird Road Tennis Courts
2023-164 Supporting the submission of the Colts Neck Twp Farmland Preservation Program - PIG Grant
2023-165 Budget transfer
2023-166 Hiring Colby Marques - Director of Recreation
2023-167 EXEC SESSION professional service contracts and personnel
2023-168 Prevention Alliance Grant
2023-169 Accepting resignation, Patrick Marinaccio
2023-170 Authorizing purchase of CASE 588H 4WD Forklift - DPW
2023-171 Authorizing purchase of 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe - Colts Neck Fire Department
2023-172 Authorizing purchase of a T450 T4 V2 Bobcat Loader - DPW
2023-173 Authorizing purchase of a 2024 CV515 SFA Landscape Dump Truck - DPW
2023-174 Authorizing purchase of a John Deere 624 P Wheel Loader - DPW
2023-175 Authorizing purchase of two Chevrolet Tahoe vehicles - Police Department
2023-177 Cancellation of Misc charges
2023-179 Authorizing acceptance of performance guarantee, cash performance guarantee and inspection fee for Express Auto Spa, Block 48, Lot 6, ZB1093
2023-180 Authorizing 100% Disabled Veteran Cancellation and overpayment of 2023 property taxes, Smith
2023-181 online auction Gov Deals
2022-1 Exceed Budget Appropriation Limits and Establish Cap Bank
2022-2 Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of Property - Maida
2022-3 Salary Ordinance
2022-4 Acquisition of Maida property - Colts Neck
2022-5 Wireless Communications Small Cell Facilities
2022-6 Capital Ordinance Providing for Various General Capital Improvements
2022-7 Various 2022 Capital Improvements
2022-8 A-3 Residential Interior Lot Area
2022-9 Parking Prohibition Ordinance Amendment
2022-10 Floodplain Management with State Comments
2022-11 Electric Vehicles
2022-12 Flag Lot Repeal
2022-13 PBA Salary Ordinance
2022-14 Towing Fee Rates Ordinance Amendment
2022-15 Shade Tree Commission and Nuisance Ordinance Amendments
2022-1 Professional Appointments
2022-2 Professional Appointment Chris Adams
2022-3 Planning Board Members
2022-4 Board of Adjustment Members
2022-5 Board of Health
2022-6 Shade Tree Commission
2022-7 Environmental Commission
2022-8 Recreation Committee
2022-9 Farmland and Open Space Committee
2022-10 Architectural Review
2022-11 Historic Preservation Committee
2022-12 LEPC
2022-13 Green Team Advisory Committee
2022-14 Municipal Court Judge Appointment 3 Year Term
2022-15 Municipal Depositories
2022-16 Temp 2022 Budget
2022-17 Establishing Fees Penalties Interest Rates
2022-18 Prepayment of Certain Items
2022-19 Cash Management Plan
2022-20 Community Development Rep KC
2022-21 PACO KC
2022-22 Joint Insurance Fund Commissioner KC
2022-23 Recycling Coordinator Jeanie Roseti
2022-24 Roberts Rules of Order
2022-25 Twp Newspapers
2022-26 Requiring Direct Deposit Payroll
2022-27 Tax Less Than 5.00
2022-28 Vendor's Signature for Payment Resolution 2022
2022-29 Electronic Tax Sale 2022
2022-30 Exec Session Personnel
2022-31 Award Contract Rodgers Group Fire Apparatus Evaluation
2022-32 Authorizing Twelve Month Extension of Contract Recycling Sakoutis
2022-33 1033 Leso Program
2022-34 Budget Transfer
2022-35 Resolution for Change Orders Against Contract (CN Municipal Building)
2022-36 Accept Special House Demo Cash Performance Guarantee 151 Dutch Lane Rd
2022-37 Accept a Second Special House Demo Cash Performance Guarantee 151 Dutch Lane Rd
2022-38 Release Maintenance Guarantee GK Distilling ZB954, 300 Route 34
2022-39 Permit Fee Refund Tesla Energy Operations 1 Eagle Nest Rd
2022-40 Budget Transfer
2022-41 Resolution for Change Order 5 Against Contract (CN Municipal Building)
2022-42 Resolution to Assign Recycling Services Contract Sakoutis
2022-43 Resolution Appointing Louis J. Bader as Code Enforcement Officer
2022-44 Resolution Appointing Gus Baxes as Code Enforcement Officer
2022-45 Budget Transfer
2022-46 Feiler Muni Resolution
2022-47 Monmouth County Mosquito Control
2022-48 Paul Murphy Resignation
2022-49 1st Quarter Tax Overpayment Refund, Johnny Christian
2022-50 Assigning Cash Performance Guarantee to Sabastian and Giovanna Cina, Block 33 Lot 20
2022-51 Executive Session Contract Negotiations
2022-52 Self Examination of 2022 Municipal Budget
2022-53 Drug Alliance Grant Resolution Colts Neck Form 1b
2022-54 Appointment EC Secretary, Brook Crossan
2022-55 Release Cash Performance Guarantee, 3 Messenger Drive
2022-56 Executive Session, 2022 Salaries Non-Bargaining Unit Employees
2022-57 Alcostest Breath Test, Colts Neck PD
2022-58 SSA Marlboro Twp Swim Club
2022-59 Authorizing Green Team Advisory Committee to Apply for Grant
2022-60 Resolution for Change Orders Against Contract, Change Orders 6 & 7
2022-61 Waive Fees Annual Retail Food Establishment
2022-62 Authorizing Consent TWA (Treatment Works App) Colts Neck Manor PB743
2022-63 Appointing Furniture Planner New Municipal Bldg
2022-64 2022 Budget Intro
2022-65 EOE Certification Affidavit
2022-66 LOSAP Fire Department
2022-67 LOSAP First-Aid Squad
2022-68 Fireworks Approval, Trump National Garden State Fireworks
2022-70 Resolution for Change Orders Against Contract, Change Orders 8 9 & 10
2022-71 Hiring Brandon Wolfe & James Baxes, Part-Time DPW Yard Attendants
2022-72 Authorize Promulgation of Rules and Regulations Colts Neck PD
2022-73 Release Maintenance Guarantee, Trump National PB680
2022-74 Accept Special Performance Guarantee Street Opening Permit, 36 Yearling Path
2022-75 Release Special Performance Guarantee Balance Block 6, Lot 9.17, 19 Birch Lane
2022-76 Release Maintenance Guarantee Trump National Golf PB532B
2022-77 Temporary Capital Budget Adoption
2022-78 Temporary Budget Amendment
2022-79 Emergency Inlet Repair on Beaver Dam Road West
2022-80 Hiring Matthew Wright Laborer DPW
2022-81 Tax Overpayment Almeida 1st Qtr 2022
2022-83 Budget Adoption
2022-84 Non-Union Salaries
2022-85 Drug Alliance Grant DMHAS Grant
2022-86 Fourth of July Fireworks Bucks Mill Park
2022-87 Tax Overpayment Bronzino 1st Qtr
2022-88 Budget Cap Resolution JIF
2022-89 Resolution For Change Orders Against Contract Change Orders 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16
2022-90 Promotion Angela Wyrick Deputy Court Administrator
2022-91 Release balance of Cash Performance Guarantee Flancbaum Block 33 Lot 20
2022-92 Hiring Sharon O'Conner Violations Clerk Municipal Court
2022-93 Renaming Winthrop Drive to Veterans Way
2022-94 Change Order Clover Hill Road
2022-95 Registrar and Deputy Registrar Vital Statistics
2022-96 Resolution Tax Overpayment Turiano 1st Qtr
2022-97 Accept a Street Opening Performance Guarantee 60 Five Points Rd
2022-98 Authorizing Execution SADC
2022-99 Lieutenant Agreement Caswell
2022-100 Lieutenant Agreement DeVito
2022-101 Lieutenant Agreement Mayer
2022-102 Purchase 2022 Chevrolet Tahoe SSV
2022-103 Purchase of 2023 American Roll Off and Dump DPW
2022-104 Purchase Grapple Bucket
2022-105 Chap159 Sustainable Jersey Grant
2022-106 SSA Colts Neck Board of Ed SLEO III
2022-107 Resolution for Change Orders against Contract Change Orders 17, 18 and 19
2022-108 Authorizing Filing NJDEP Wetland Permit Countryside Developers Inc.
2022-109 Papetti Authorizing Filing Deed To Vacate
2022-110 Resolution Tax Overpayment Noon 1st Qtr 2022
2022-111 Resolution Tax Overpayment Craffy 2nd Qtr 2022
Resolution 2022-112 Probationary Police Officer Joseph Pipoli
Resolution 2022-113 NJDEP Application Municipal Complex
Resolution 2022-114 Resignation Lorenzo Felix
Resolution 2022-115 2022 Salaries and Wages Non-Union employees
Resolution 2022-116 NJDOT application Cedar Drive Phase II
Resolution 2022-117 SSA SLEO III Freehold Regional High School
2022-118 ABC liquor license renewal
Resolution 2022-119 Purchase portable radios PD
2022-120 Purchase 2 Stretchers - First Aid
2022-121 Urging Passage of S-330 Restoring Energy Tax Receipts and authorizing mayor to sign
2022-123 Reappointment of Trina Lindsey Municipal Clerk with tenure
2022-124 Annual Audit-Group Affidavit
Resolution 2022-125 Corrective Action Plan 2021 Audit
2022-126 chap 159 clean communities 2022
Resolution 2022-127 Employment Agreement Chief Santucci
Resolution 2022-128 Change Orders New Municipal Bldg Project
Resolution 2022-129 Addendum SSA SLEO III Colts Neck Schools
Resolution 2022-130 Security Monitors
Resolution 2022-131 Western Monmouth Active Shooter Training
2022-133 Appointing Sean Hoffman Probationary Police Officer
2022-134 Appointing Clint Forgach Probationary Police Officer
2022-135 Appointing Matthew McGrady SLEO II
Resolution 2022-136 MOA PBA
Resolution 2022-137 Hiring Brandon Wolfe
2022-138 ABC liquor license renewal - Colts Neck Pub and Colts Neck Caterers
Resolution 2022-139 Agreement Chief Santucci Compensatory Time
2022-140 Authorizing grant application Five Points Park8-10-22
Resolution 2022-141 Award of contract FY2022 Road Improvements Clover Hill Rd Phase II
Resolution 2022-142 Award contract 2022 Various drainage
Resolution 2022-143 Acceptance Performance and Inspection fee Gordon's Corner Water (PB743)
Resolution 2022-145 Summer Camp refund
2022-148 Chap159 Body Armor Grant 2022
2022-149 Award Recycling bid - Republic 2023-2027
Resolution 2022-150 MID JIF Membership renewal
Resolution 2022-151 Hold Harmless Slope Brook Farm
2022-152 authorizing 3rd yr option leaf collection services
2022-153 authorizing 3rd yr option lawn and field maintenance
2022-154 Hiring Philip Engel Part Time Fire Inspector
2022-155 Resignation Matthew Wright
Resolution 2022-156 Payment to retired Police Officer Richard Zarrillo
Resolution 2022-157 Change Orders New Municipal Building project
2022-158 Furniture Purchases New Municipal Building
Resolution 2022-159 Award of contract drainage inlet reconstruction
Resolution 2022-160 Employment Agreement Brandon Wolfe
Resolution 2022-161 Purchase Spartan ER Star Series Fire Truck
Resolution 2022-162 Authorizing Colts Neck Building Associates to hire Administrative Agent
2022-164 Executive Session
Resolution 2022-165 Change Orders to the contract with Hall Building Corp #30, #31, #32, #33
Resolution 2022-166 Purchase three Chevrolet Tahoes Colts Neck Police Dept
2022-167 Appointment to Farmland and Open Space Committee - Michael Stivala
Resolution 2022-168 Professional appointment S.O.M.E. Architects
Resolution 2022-169 Veteran allowance deduction - Stahl
Resolution 2022-170 Disabled Veteran - Voll
Resolution 2022-171 Exec Session - Personnel & COAH
Resolution 2022-172 Appointment SLEO III - Michael Tozer
Resolution 2022-174 Change orders #34, #35, #36 - Hall Building Corp
Resolution 2022-175 Halloween curfew hours
2022-176 Purchase Base Portable Radios - Fire Dept
2022-177 Professional Appointment ARH Associates - Update Natural Resources Inventory (NRI)
2022-178 Budget transfer
2022-179 Executive Session
Resolution 2022-180 Authorizing nine change orders #29, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44 Hall Building Corp
Resolution 2022-181 Drug Alliance Grant
Resolution 2022-182 Drug Alliance DMHAS Grant
2022-183 award contract Police and Public Safety Communications bid
Resolution 2022-184 Supporting submission of Farmland Preservation Program application (PIG Grant)
Resolution 2022-185 SSA Marlboro Township Colts Neck firing range and decontamination of vehicles
Resolution 2022-186 authorizing purchase of ammunition for the Colts Neck Police Dept
Resolution 2022-187 authorizing purchase of eight ballistic vests (bullet proof vests) for the Colts Neck Police Dept
Resolution 2022-188 authorizing purchase of three vehicle installation packages for the Colts Neck Police Dept
2022-189 SSA TB Shared Service Agreement 2023 w County Health Dept
Resolution 2022-190 Bond Resolution
2022-191 TAX LESS THAN 5.00
2022-192 Misc. Charges Cancelled
2022-194 Cancel grant appropriation reserves
2021-1 Residential Rental Regulations
2021-2 Ordinance Repealing Chapter-20 - Econonomic Development Committee
2021-3 Stormwater
2021-4 Salary Non-Union Employees
2021-5 Chapter 29 Section 29.7 Fire Prevention Bureau Amendements
2021-6 Marijuana
2021-7 Ordinance to Exceed Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits аnd to Establish a Cap Bank
2021-8 Salary Ordinance - Amendment
2021-9 AG Lot Size Averaging Plans Note
2021-10 Chapter-222 Amendment - Parking
2021-11 Capital Ordinance - Various Capital Improvements
2021-12 Bond Ordinance - Various Capital Improvements
2021-13 Chapter-222 Amendment - Speed Limits
2021-14 Development Regulations - Conditional Use Standards for Institutional Uses
2021-15 Soil Removal
2021-16 Salary Ordinance - Amendment
2021-17 Ordinance Amending Fire Department Code
2021-18 Ordinance Amending Food Establishments Code
2021-1 Professionals Appointment
2021-2 Planning Board Members
2021-3 Board of Adjustment Members
2021-4 Board of Health
2021-5 Shade Tree Commission
2021-6 Environmental Commission
2021-7 Recreation Committee
2021-8 Farmland and Open Space Committee
2021-9 Architectural Review Committee
2021-10 Historical Preservation Committee
2021-11 Local Emergency Planning Committee
2021-13 Appointing Fire Official - Matthew Young
2021-14 Municipal Depositories
2021-15 Temporary Budget for 2021
2021-16 Establishment of Fees, Penalties and Interest Rates
2021-17 Prepayment of Certain Items
2021-18 Cash Management Plan
2021-19 Community Development Representative - KC
2021-20 Public Agency Compliance Officer
2021-21 Joint Insurance Fund Commissioner
2021-22 Recycling Coordinator - Roseti
2021-23 Robert's Rules of Order
2021-24 Township Newspapers
2021-25 Requiring Direct Deposit Payroll
2021-26 Tax Less Than 5.00
2021-27 Vendor's Signature For Payment Resolution 2021
2021-28 Electronic Tax Sale 2021
2021-29 Annual Meeting Notice - Virtual Meetings
2021-30 Budget Transfer
2021-31 Executive Session - Anticipated Litigation
2021-32 Budget Transfer
2021-33 Auth Execution - Agreement Dorbrook Park Police Radio Antenna
2021-34 Change Order
2021-35 Green Team
2021-36 Monmouth County Stigma Free Pledge
2021-37 Appointing Linda Stagliano - TACO-PT Salaried
2021-38 Appointing Paul Murphy - Code Enforcement Officer - PT Salaried
2021-39 Release Performance Guarantee - Grooms - Block 27 Lots 5 & 7
2021-40 Executive Session
2021-41 Pre-Qualifications for Bidders - New Municipal Building
2021-42 Change Order - Heulitt Road
2021-43 SSA Agreement - CDHE Public Health Contract Colts Neck 2021
2021-43 SSA CDHE Public Health Contract Colts Neck 2021
2021-44 SAA Agreement - Lead Contract with Colts Neck 2021
2021-44 SSA Lead Contract with Colts Neck 2021
2021-45 Dedication by Rider - CNBA Donation - Bucks Mill Park
2021-46 Tax Refund Resolution 02-10-21
2021-47 SSA - Marlboro Township Swim Club
2021-48 MC Mosquito Control
2021-49 Appointing John Kazmac - Probationary Police Officer
2021-50 Appointing Connor Byrne - Probationary Police Officer
2021-51 Appointing Niall Centofanti - SLEO-II
2021-52 Dedication By Rider Bucks Mill Park - With Changes From State
2021-53 Green Team Advisory Committee - Appointment Sandy Freeman
2021-54 Opposing Funding Reductions to Municipal Alliance Program
2021-55 Qualified Public Community Service Agreement - The Grande
2021-56 Release Performance Guarantee - Accept Maintenance Guarantee - JP Morgan Chase Bank
2021-57 Accept Performance Guarantee - 7 Pilgrim Way - Mazza
2021-58 Resolution of Support Route 34 - Roadway Improvements NJDOT
2021-59 Purchase Motorola Portable Radios Police Dept.
2021-60 Award Contract Drainage Horse Shoe Court - Richdale Rd - Meco,Inc
2021-61 Appointment Kyle Reese Farmland and Open Space Committee
2021-62 Purchase Sharp Copier - Police Department
2021-63 Refund of Taxes Resolution 03-10-21
2021-64 Permit Fee Refund - 8 Canby Drive
2021-65 Release Cash Performance Guarantee and Escrow - JP Morgan Chase Bank
2021-66 Executive Session
2021-67 LOSAP Fire Dept
2021-68 Repeal Senate Bill No.3454
2021-69 Self Examination of 2021 Budget
2021-70 2021 Budget Introduction
2021-71 SSA Howell Township Road Equipment
2021-71 SSA Howell Township Various DPW Equipment
2021-72 Drug Alliance Grant
2021-73 SSA Marlboro Township Decontamination SVCS Firing Range
2021-74 EOE Cert Affidavit
2021-75 Monmouth Cty Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
2021-76 SSA Colts Neck Board of Ed SLEO III
2021-77 Executive Section
2021-78 2021 Budget Adoption
2021-79 Non-Union Salaries
2021-80 Award Contract Municipal Website - Town Web
2021-81 Resignation SLEO III Kevin Walsh
2021-82 Resolution Authorizing Contract (CN Municipal Building)
2021-83 Executive Session
2021-84 PT Employee Bldg Dept - Kelly Marshall
2021-85 LOSAP First Aid Squad
2021-86 Reject Bid Leaf Disposal
2021-87 Award Contract Janitorial and Cleaning Services
2021-88 Resolution Authorizing Sustainable Jersey Grant Application
2021-89 Employment Agreement Caswell
2021-90 Resolution Authorizing Compensatory Time Agreement - Lt.Caswell
2021-91 Employment Agreement DeVito
2021-92 Resolution Authorizing Compensatory Time Agreement - Lt.DeVito
2021-93 Employment Agreement Mayer
2021-94 Resolution Authorizing Compensatory Time Agreement - Lt.Mayer
2021-95 Purchase Body Cameras CNPD
2021-96 Stivala Farmland Preservation
2021-97 Appointment TM - Affordable Housing Wastewater and Water Supply Systems
2021-98 Settlement Agreement Brian Matthews
2021-99 Resignation Stephanie Seyr
2021-100 Police Special Assignment Rates
2021-101 Police Special Assignment Rates - Stone Hill Trust
2021-102 Purchase Law Enforcement Training Modules - The Rodgers Group
2021-103 Release Cash Performance Guarantee - Source Brewery
2021-104 SSA COVID Vaccination Supplemental Funding - MCRHC
2021-105 Resignation Julian Mayo
2021-106 Appointing Niall Centofanti - Probationary Police Officer
2021-107 Appraisal - Feiler Farm - Curini
2021-108 Appraisal - Feiler Farm - Goldberg
2021-109 Fourth of July Fireworks - Bucks Mill Park
2021-110 Purchase Motorola Portable Radios Fire Dept
2021-111 Purchase All Hands Turnout Gear Fire Dept
2021-112 Auth Execution SSA Western Monmouth Active Shooter Training Group
2021-113 Grant Application NJDOT Clover Hill Rd Project Phase II
2021-114 Hiring John DePinto - PT Fire Inspector
2021-115 Hiring Patrick Marinaccio - DPW Laborer
2021-116 Refund Resolution Vet Exemption - Juliano 6-02-21
2021-117 Refund Resolution Vet Exemption - Turiano 6-02-21
2021-118 Executive Session
2021-119 Employment Agreement Santucci 2021
2021-120 Agreement Compensatory Time with Chief Santucci
2021-121 Appointment Farmland and Open Space Committee - Liz Wilk
2021-122 ABC Liquor License Renewal
2021-123 Hiring Frank Bradach - DPW Laborer
2021-124 Hiring Michael Schmitt - DPW Laborer
2021-125 Chapter 159 - Clean Communities Grant 2021
2021-126 Purchase 2021 Ford Police Interceptor Vehicles
2021-127 Award Purchase 2 Message Boards SSD
2021-128 Purchase 4 Ton Falcon Asphalt Trailer
2021-129 Refund Resolution Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation Raffle App Fees
2021-130 Permit Fee Refund - Del Terra Pizza - Food Truck Permit Fee
2021-131 Resolution Overturning Fire Department Decision
2021-132 Annual Audit Group Affidavit
2021-133 Chapter 159 DDEF21 - Drunk Driving Enforcement
2021-134 Pisano Resolution
2021-135 Information Technology Rev 2.0 - Tier 1 Resolution
2021-136 Information Technology Rev 2.0 - Tier 2 Resolution
2021-137 Information Technology Rev 2.0 - Tier 3 Resolution
2021-138 Extended Grace Period 3rd Quarter Taxes
2021-139 SSA Monmouth Cty LEAP Grant - High Resolution Aerial Imagery Software
2021-140 Executive Session
2021-141 Resolution for MOU with NWS Earle
2021-142 SSA - Security Monitoring - Summer Camp
2021-143 Waive Fees for TWP Events and Groups
2021-144 Chapter 159 Sustainable Jerseys
2021-145 Adopting Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan
2021-146 Resignation Det.Steven DeCaesar
2021-147 Appointing Steven Ferlisi Probationary Police Officer
2021-148 Appointing Alexander Perkins Probationary Police Officer
2021-149 Appointing Joseph Pipoli SLEO II
2021-150 Appointing Joseph Chaplinski SLEO II
2021-151 Appointing Meghan Luzetsky Records Clerk
2021-152 Resolution Lifting Suspension of Fire Department Member
2021-153 Snow Plow 2 yr plus 1 yr Slope Brook Farm
2021-154 Appointing Kyle Reese - Shade Tree Commission
2021-155 Accept Funds SFY21 Body Worn Camera Grant Program
2021-156 Resolution - Tax Overpayment Biondolillo
2021-157 Resolution for Cancellation of Taxes 2021 - Juliano
2021-158 Resolution for Cancellation of Taxes 2021- Turiano
2021-159 Refund Resolution Vet Exemption - Turiano 7-27-2021
2021-160 Resolution - 3rd Quarter Tax Overpayment - Florek
2021-161 Execution Session
2021-162 Award Contract Capital Road Improvment Phase I - Clover Hill Rd
2021-163 Resignation Lisa Deckmejian
2021-164 SSA MOD IV Property Assessment Computer System
2021-165 Approving Grant App for Larid Rd and Five Points Parks
2021-166 Award Contract Disposal of Leaves
2021-167 Resolution - Tax Overpayment - Falletta
2021-168 Resolution - Tax Overpayment - Feldman
2021-169 Reduction Performance Guarantee & Cash Guarantee - Amboy Road Services
2021-170 Executive Session
2021-171 Resolution Authorizing Execution of Amendment to Settlement Agreement
2021-172 Resolution Approving Limited Expansion of Gordons Corner Franchise Area
2021-173 Hiring Thomas Fischer - DPW Laborer
2021-174 Appointment of T&M for Wastewater
2021-175 Purchase 2021 - Chevrolet Tahoe Police Vehicles
2021-176 SSA Holmdel Shared Municipal Court
2021-177 Salary Increase - Kathy Bradach
2021-178 Hiring Angela Wyrick - Court
2021-179 Hiring Lucille Lisi - Court
2021-180 Accept Performance Guarantee 28 Laird Rd - Strausbaugh
2021-181 Resignation Glen Purves
2021-182 Chapter 159 COVID-19 Vaccination
2021-183 1033 Leso Program
2021-184 Tax Overpayment - 09-28-2021 Selita
2021-185 Veteran's Property Tax Exempt Resolution Bl 51 Lot 2.35 - Christian
2021-186 Recreation Dance Class Fee Refund
2021-187 Accept Performance Guarantee & Inspection Fee - Kling - Clover Hill Rd
2021-188 Halloween Curfew
2021-189 Hiring Michael Winch - PT Plumbing Inspector
2021-190 ABC Liquor License Person to Person Transfer My Fizz to Colts Neck Pub
2021-191 Purchase Self-Contained Compactor DPW
2021-192 Appointing Appraiser - Curini - Maida Property
2021-193 Appointing Appraiser - Lehman - Maida Property
2021-194 Chapter 159 SFY21 Body Worn Cameras - Police Dept
2021-195 Release Special Performance Guarantee - 14 Moonlight Drive - Massaro
2021-196 Tax Overpayment 10-27-2021 Christian
2021-197 Release Maintenance Guarantee, PB629A, 81 County Route 537, Flancbaum
2021-198 Drug Alliance Grant 2023
2021-199 Online Auction Gov Deal
2021-200 Purchase Two Vehicle Installation Packages PD
2021-201 Purchase SUV Vehcile Installation Package PD
2021-202 Purchase Speed Patrol Trailer Police Dept
2021-203 Authorizing Consent TWA (Treatment Works App) Colts Neck Inn PB745
2021-204 Monmouth County Coop Rock Salt
2021-205 Refund Resolution Vet Exemption Mehmedovic Alemanno 11-10-21