Historic Preservation Committee

Meetings: (see home page website calendar)
Town Hall Meeting Room, 3 Veterans Way

The Historic Preservation Committee shall be responsible to:

A. Prepare and maintain a survey of historic structures and sites within the Township from 1875 and earlier.

B. Carry out advisory, educational and informational functions as will promote historic preservation in the Township.

C. Preserve the heritage of the Township by preserving resources within the Township which reflect elements of its cultural, social, economic and architectural history.

D. Promote appreciation of historic structures and sites for the education, pleasure and welfare of the local population.

E. Encourage the appropriate maintenance and preservation of historic structures and sites.

F. Promote the conservation of historic structures and sites and to invite voluntary compliance for said conservation.

G. Monitor and recommend to the Township Committee the submission of any grants related to historic preservation.

H. Monitor and recommend to the Township Committee the inclusion of any structures or sites within the state or federal historic register.

I. Recognize structures and sites from 1875 and earlier with appropriate plaques.

J. Collect and maintain an oral and pictorial history of the Township.

Frank Rizzuto, Liaison December 31, 2024
Mary Pahira, 2024 Chair December 31, 2024
Michelle Warendorf December 31, 2025
Patricia Eastman December 31, 2025
Jessica Tobia December 31, 2024
Mary Fournier December 31, 2026
Jeanette Moriarty December 31, 2026
Patricia Mitchell December 31, 2024
Tom Sullivan December 31, 2024
Maggie Osmulski December 31, 2025
Nicholas Moretta December 31, 2026
Janine Pinguelo Strafaci December 31, 2025
Preston Filozof December 31, 2025
Vacant December 31, 2025
James Schatzle December 31, 2025
Vacant December 31, 2024
Michele Battista, Secretary 

Lillian G. Burry, Chair Member Emeritus


For current Historic Preservation events, visit their Facebook page Click Here!

Colts Neck Township Related History Resources

Township Historic Reference Material

Historic Population Trend

1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1992 2000 2010
1,241 1,177 1,814 2,177 5,819 7,888 8,559 9,405 11,179 10,142

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