The Clean Communities Program was created in 1986 with funding from taxes levied on the sale of litter generating products. On December 2, 2002, The Clean Communities Fund was reauthorized. Twenty-one counties and 558 municipalities are eligible to receive funding.
Clean Communities Coordinator

Jeanie Roseti
1 Veterans Way
Colts Neck, New Jersey 07722
Phone: (732) 462-7998
Email: [email protected]
Program Requirements
Acceptance of the grant is recognized and included in the Municipal Annual
Budget. Acceptance requires recipients to maintain program efforts and to utilize funds for the
following purposes:
- Litter cleanup and removal
- Enforcement of local anti-littering laws
- Purchase of trash and recycling receptacles for placement in public areas
- Sponsorship of “Adopt-A-Highway, Park or School” program
- Education programs to promote Clean Communities
Finally, municipalities are encouraged to enlist the services of volunteer groups, community
service and court run alternate sentencing programs to assist in locally sponsored cleanup
- Any and all volunteer groups within Colts Neck are welcome.
- Volunteer groups are defined as: Cub Scouts, Boy and/or Girl Scouts, church groups, educational and civic organizations, and other similar organized groups.
- You are required to perform one or up to three cleanups per year. The year begins in January 1st and ends November 15th.
- You must have twenty or more participants and spend four hours per cleanup.
- You must return your summary reports within three days after the cleanup, failure to do so will result in termination of your program.
- Any organization that wishes to sponsor an “Adopt a Highway” program involving a State Highway must first contact the “Adopt a Highway” coordinator within the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
Reminders To Keep Colts Neck Clean For All To Enjoy
- Don’t litter
- Never throw anything down storm drains
- Clean up after your pets
- Recycle and reuse
- If you see litter in front of your residence, please pick it up
- If you spot illegal dumping, call the Colts Neck Police (732) 780-7323
Online Resources
Visit the State website for Clean Communities